Ben Cull - Payments Engineer and Microsoft Development Professional

Better Error Handling and Custom Errors for ASP.NET MVC

Improve your Error Handling and Custom Errors screen in one fell swoop by using the SSW.ErrorHandler nuget package for ASP.NET MVC websites.

Get it here: SSW.ErrorHandler on Nuget

In this video I also show you how to trace your exceptions using a reference in Application Insights.


  • Nice custom errors screen with useful feedback
  • Custom error screens for different error codes (404, 500 are built in)
  • Automatic AJAX detection and JSON response with error details
  • Easily send your exceptions to your favourite exception handler such as Elmah or Application Insights

Exception Tracing with Application Insights

In this video I also add a way of tracking the exception, given a reference from a customer. This is especially useful when you have a large customer base and are trying to solve a problem for a specific customer.

I achieve this by creating a new GUID and simply adding it to the properties of my exception when tracking it with Application Insights. I edited the ~/Filters/CustomErrorFilter.cs and it looks like this:

// Track Exception with Reference
var exceptionReferenceGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
telemetryClient.TrackException(filterContext.Exception, new Dictionary<string, string> { {"exceptionReference", exceptionReferenceGuid} });

Please note that telemetryClient is an instance of Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient. See Getting Started with Application Insights for more information about setting yourself up.

If you need a hand implementing the error handler, hit me up on Twitter -> @BenWhoLikesBeer

Better Error Handling and Custom Errors for ASP.NET MVC
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Better Error Handling and Custom Errors for ASP.NET MVC

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